Thursday, June 09, 2011

mid year holidays

It's beautiful to sleep under the stars. My boys did it. Me & 2 yr old girl stayed in the hut.
This time we started the holidays with a kampong stay in Janda baik.When we arrived, there were 10 over cars parked outside. A malay family set up 10 camps in the compound. At 12 noon, the kids were playing in the stream while some women cook up a storm. They had a feast under the trees on a huge tikar . What a nice family bonding trip. They were obviously seasoned campers and brought everything they could including a rice cooker.

They boys had their first camping under the stars. I am so proud. Then we spent the rest of the 2 weeks recouping from this trip, as the kids caught some cough and flu from having too much fun in the river. We stayed in A nice kampung set up by a local musician. It could have been better if his french wife wasn't in confinement after her first born. Some of the soft touches like linen, mosqito netting etc of the guesthouse could have been perhaps better. There were lots of mosqitoes at night and red ants on the bed. However the camping facilities provided were adequate. no mosqitoes if you camp. Pillows, blankets and tikars were provided.

I enjoyed staying home with the kids during the holidays. Partly rehearsing what will happen to next year when i homeschool them. I was trying to feel the rhythm of the day. At first they were a bit resistant to activities i planned. All the boys wanted was ipad and tvs. But by the 3rd day after i persisted. waola... they could tune in to the rhythm and went with little complaint.

We usually start the day with a  outdoor play in the park. Then come home for a shower before they do some quiet work. Then it is time for lunch. They would quickly finish their lunch as it is ipad or tv time after that. After 1 round of trashing on the ipad they could nap easily. We do the similar thing even when we have a playdate over. That helped to ground the habit in deeper as they see their peers doing it too.

Tomorrow is my off day with hubby on a day trip to ipoh wo kids. Life is good.
Nice experience climbing up a kampong house. This is the bamboo hut. Bring your own table cloth for better ambiance.

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